Well friends and neighbors, tonight’s entry is a two-fer… two days in one blog entry. Mainly because the last two days have just be chock full of diving diving diving and no real need to put it into two entries. I thought I’d share some of the local flora outside our room which I get to view each morning on the way to and from wherever I’m going. The grounds here are just stunning. But back to the diving…

So over the last 2 days I’ve done five dives. Two of them local to the South Barrier reef with surface intervals at the South Water Caye IZE resort. These were filled with turtles, nurse sharks, Lionfish, stunning soft and hard coral, angel fish and many many many more.

The second day (today) was a trip known as The Ultimate. A three tank dive that takes you to three of the best dive sites in the Belize reef system. It starts with a site known as “The Elbow”, followed by a dive on Half Moon Caye and concluding with the aptly named “Aquarium” dive which might just have been my favorite dive of the trip.

Here we saw black tipped reef sharks, a school of tarpon, countless small tropical fish of every kind imaginable, free swimming Moray Eel, Eagle Rays, Sting Rays and massive Grouper. Of course on the ride in and the ride out, about 1 hour and 45 minutes, you could find me up on the fly bridge with my man Darron the captain keeping a sharp eye on how he handles the 48 foot ship we’re riding. Needless to stay he was an absolute pro and we had some great conversations about sailing, life in Hopkins, and the general state of the youth of the world including his three kids 🙂

Well, Ashley and I are leaving southern Belize tomorrow and heading north to Ambergris Caye to experience something a little more populated and touristy for one night before heading out on our way home on Sunday. We just returned from our Last Hamanasi Supper of fresh local fish and shrimp along with a little vino. It will again be sad to leave this wonderful place and all the fantastic people we have met from staff to guests.

For now good night and more tomorrow!

4 Replies to “An Ultimate Diving Twofer”

  1. Bill,, I really enjoy adventures you go on. I just wish I had pursued diving when I had the chance. But at least I can enjoy it through your excellent adventures.

  2. Beautiful picts, Bill. That’s some intense diving. I don’t think I ever liked it that much. Great underwater life.

  3. I didn’t see any Rays. Great pictures and so many different fish and coral and flowers and colors of the see. . Beautiful place. Maybe a month in March??? Glad to hear and see you enjoyed every minute.

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