I’m not quite sure which it is today but as someone commented (Jason) I’m still on the water which is always an awesome place to be for me. I’m happy and pleased to have been given the opportunity to sail this race. No real sniping amongst the crew, REALLY GOOD food.. and about 40 tons of it. I’m fairly sure we could stay out here for a month.

So let me tell you a bit about some of the people on the boat:

Skipper: Sam – totally chill guy, I think I expect to see him surfing in CA rather than sailing the frigid waters of Gitche Gume. Runs the family tool shop.

First mate: JJ – this dude is a trip, he’s all over the board ADD (self proclaimed) but is a solid sailor and knows the systems on this boat inside and out, a real asset.

Helmsman: Joel – Retired science school teacher and now runs a cabinetry business out of Chelsea. SOLID dude. Fantastic sailor which solid instincts.

Crewwoman: Tiffany – You wouldn’t expect this small little blond woman to be rouging it out with the dudes, but as a lawyer she’s put up with way worse, tons of fun!

Crewwoman: Katie – Nurse working in hospice so you know she’s doing God’s work. Tons of fun, great sense of humor and generous to a fault. Even had my lunch sent to me in bed this morning while I was on my off watch.

Crewman: Nick – A dudes dude. Quality engineer for a mold making shop in Canada… yes there have been the obligatory eh’s … but a solid person and a solid sailor.

Navigator: Yours Truly – a poser and a fraud of a sailor who tries his hardest to get the boat to the right place as fast as possible. I can read the data and make sense of it but sometimes I just wish it would make the boat do what the predictions say. Other than that my job is to make everyone laugh and keep them in good spirits.

So why has today been see-saw or groundhog day. Well, it has been LOTS of wind.. no wind… FAST boat speeds… dead slow boat speeds. Of course this is all dictated by the wind but I cannot help but take it personally that I haven’t found a way to put the boat in the right position for the best opportunities. But that’s sailing so I’m not beating myself up.

Its Groundhog Day.. well, because today a LOT like yesterday.

  • I keep forgetting to take my reading glasses for the computer off before I go on deck then I sit there and wonder why I cant read the water more than 2 feet past the bow.
  • Then I take them off, put them in my pocket and about 15 minutes later wonder why I’m squinting before I realize my sunglasses are hanging around my neck
  • Then I go back down to check on the computer and wonder why I’m squinting at the computer and realize I don’t have my glasses on.
  • Then I can’t find my glasses and it takes 10 minutes for me to realize they are in my shirt pocket.

yes I know this surprises my loyal listeners but this repeats itself about every three hours now.. its almost comical if it didn’t make me look like such a dumbass LOL.

Well since this doesn’t go out until later tonight, I’ll probably take a few more photos to share at sunset as its shaping up to be a good one.

OH! And I have FINALLY seen Isle Royale… 52 years living in Michigan, all the world adventures I’ve done and this gem in our northern waters has lain a mystery to me. Well she’s still mystery, but now I know her shape and I liked what I saw.

4 Replies to “Its a See-Saw.. or Maybe Groundhog Day”

  1. Keep having fun! That’s what’s important at the end; friends and fun! Ribbons get lost, but memories are forever!

  2. Your words matched the scene on the tracking board…up and down and all around. That’s sailing! I was hoping you would get a glimpse of Isle Royal. So close and yet so far. It is a shame we never made it there. Happy to meet the crew. Sounds like a good mix. Sunsets. Sails, water. A tough combo to beat. Sail on

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