So as I sit here frenetically attempting to close out about 50 work items before I call it vacation I have intermittently been trying to get ready. This includes:

  • Finding all my dive camera gear and assuring that it still works (last year my camera was kaput and I had to buy a new one.. thankfully not this year)
  • Finding all my dive gear that I will take (only regulator and mask to save space)
  • Finding all my batteries and chargers… probably the biggest pain in the ass
  • Putting together a first aid kit
  • Getting all my toiletries and meds together
  • Deciding on what book to read (other than my trusty lonely planet guide)
  • Try to sell my boat (no go, dude wanted to undercut me badly)
  • Decide what movies and TV shows I want to download for the plane (got to be M*A*S*H Season 1 – Welcome to Korea, but what else)
  • Find some snacks for the plane
  • Oh and I’ll probably need some clothes to wear
  • And the all important but often forgotten passport, wallet, phone combo. (sorry G. I got my passport all sorted this time!)

So that leaves me with the following piles around the house

So with a bit of anxiety setting in I dash off to my last meeting before my vacation truly begins. More tomorrow from the plane!

5 Replies to “The Storm Before The Storm”

  1. I wonder what you left around the house that you didn’t take! Only Becky will know. L

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